
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Verbs are doing words

Preparing - Myself mentally and fiscally for May, the month in which nearly everyone I know was born. Birthdays up the ying-yang, and Mother's Day too. Oh my god, I'm having palpitations just thinking about it. AND I'm turning thirty-mumble as well! Birthdays make me a little nuts...

Finished - 'The Psychopath Test' by Jon Ronson. What a great book, jammed with facts and yet so unputdownable. This is an honest exploration of a delicate subject, with the nervy Ronson tangling with psychopaths in jail and in the upper echelons of the corporate world, meeting with the therapists who thought (in the 60's - of course) using LSD and primal regression could cure incarcerated psychopaths.

Did it work? You'll have to read the book and find out...

Interestingly though, looking at the traits and behaviours that mark a psychopath, I'm realising that in my life, I've come across a few. With an estimated 1% of the population scoring high on the test, you probably have as well!


Dancing - To The Sonics, who just rip it up so loud. The kids and I went nuts to a Sonics playlist yesterday, jumping around the loungeroom like a bunch of kooks.

'Have Love, Will Travel' is pretty awesome when The Black Keys do it, but these guys are amazing.

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