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This is the cake. This one. It's Cameron's birthday today - he's my best friend in the entire world, and I love him so fiercely it's scary. So I'm going to make him a Red Velvet Cake, and maybe add a bit more chocolate cream into the middle. He really likes chocolate.
This morning I got up with him (at 4.30am, thank you!) and made him coffee and some eats. I played him this...
and gave him his present...a whipper-snipper! I know, I'm very romantic, but it's what he wanted.
I'm in a little bit of love with this coat. I don't need it, not at all, but boy, I want it.
One of ny new brooches - a mix of old and new materials which seemed to find each other! The laying out phase of making something new is a dreamy, playful time for me, and I listen carefully for the little voice that hints I'm stepping on my comfort zone. This is when I know I'm heading in the right direction.
Now I just have to come up with a clever name, and write it up in my little shop. Stay tuned!
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